Sunday, June 15, 2014

Django Unchained

Django Unchained is a quintessential Quentin Tarantino film. It is a movie that breaks previously steadfast walls of what is taboo in American cinema. This movie does not try to soften racial subject matter like his other film, Inglorious Bastards, does. This is set in the 1800s in the American south, in the heart of slavery. Before this film very few dared to tread on such matters, especially when Tarantino said "The N Word", both simply in the film, as well as personally as a character line in the movie. This caused much controversy, in fact it caused many African Americans to be upset with Tarantino, saying he was disrespecting the people who actually lived through slavery. I, however have to believe that the film uses the humor among the white folks at the expense of the slaves shows how slaves where not even thought of as people, and shows the horrors of slavery more than it makes light of it. Tarantino shows characters as the stereotypical person of their time period, as far as morals and interests are concerned. This is to portray the distance between cultures better. This is to say that in the time the movie is set, Calvin Candies hobby of watching Mandingo fights would have been socially acceptable, and this makes the audience uncomfortable about the scene.

1 comment:

  1. Ok, I find the humor angle interesting, but I'd like you to really explore it more thoroughly.
