Monday, June 9, 2014

The End is Near!

Friends: The semester is nearly over. I need you to do a couple of things, in no specific order.

1) choose 3 of the five films we have watched since internships began and blog the heck outta them! Please post them here, but label/tag them by film name--so as to keep some semblance of organization. These three posts are due by the end of the final exam.

2) watch another film (any film!) and write a blog response to that film. This can be a new film in theaters, a recent film fresh to video, or an old classic that your grandmother made you watch while you helped her feed her cats. This blog is also due by the end of the exam, and you should label/tag it as "SOLO."

3) Review the films we have watched this semester, and by "review" I mean revisit your notes, check out IMDB or Rottentomatoes to remind yourself of characters, directors, etc. Also, make sure you are still familiar with the film terms/techniques we studied, and make sure that in your blog posts you use the appropriate terminology.

See me with any questions...

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