Thursday, June 12, 2014

Punch-Drunk Love Review

        Punch-Drunk Love directed by Paul Thomas Anderson using music, sounds, colors, and visuals as a form of expression and cinematic narrative. One of the key elements of the film is Barry's emotional and physical state, which is generally expressed through the use of colors. Barry is often found closed or trapped (emotionally and physically) within his own loneliness. Lina represents a change and feeling of freedom and ultimately of love. It is the supermarket as well as Hawaii which represents a feeling of hope and possibility for Barry and the director expresses this through the visual imagery of the film. Notice how open and bright the frame and composition is within the supermarket and Hawaii. This expresses Barry's feelings of possibility, and heavily contrasts with his everyday work and home environment of isolation. 

        Blue is used throughout the film as an indication of Barry's emotional state of loneliness. Obviously the most notable example is the blue suit Barry is seen wearing ALL throughout the film. Blue is found in both Barry's home and at his office, and very much represents a part of him. Red is the most expressive and prominent color in the film. It represents the most positive aspects of Barry's physical and emotional character. Red is freedom, and opportunity, and ultimately happiness for Barry. Red is the color dress worn by Lena (when they first meet and on their date). Finally, White is expressed as Barry's physical state or his entrapment and isolation. 

1 comment:

  1. Great analysis of the use of color, isolation, and loneliness.
