Friday, June 13, 2014

Pulp Fiction

Pulp Fiction was very entertaining. Although disturbing in a few parts, it was interesting to see how the movie unraveled. When a movies begins you usually can tell what direction it's probably going in.  There are usually some twist and turns, but you usually know that the main characters will stay alive because without them the movie is over. Well, in Pulp Fiction that was not the case. After Vincent has taken out Marsellus Wallace's wife, Mia, and almost kills her, you start to think that he will be the main character. I immediately thought that Marsellus would find out and try to kill Vincent. I thought this because in the previous scene Jules and Vincent have a long, dragged out conversation about how Marsellus threw another guy out a window for giving his wife a foot massage. Why else would they mention this idea other then foreshadowing? Well, that wasn't the case because a couple scenes later Vincent is shot by an outside man. This creates a whole new main character.
The reason I found Pulp Fiction so entertaining was because it was so unpredictable and every line had a purpose. I truly believe that every line Quentin Tarantino wrote had a meaning in the movie. For example, when Jules and Quentin experience the "miracle", Jules is convinced that it is a sign from God that they got really lucky and it's time to retire. Vincent shakes him off and act likes he is crazy for thinking such a thing. But, after Jules retires Vincent goes on to get killed a day or two later. Coincidence? I think not. I also thought it was really cool how all the characters, as well as the beginning and end connected.

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